
Thursday 20 September 2012

Going Gold

Today's post is brought to you by the XXX Olympiad.
The smashing success of the London games has energized Great Britain in quite a neat way. Everyone stands a bit taller, everyone is a bit nicer. Most hope that the euphoria and outpouring of patriotism and kindness continues well into the coming years. While that may be a bit too optimistic in my opinion, it is definitely strong at the moment.
Sheffield played its own part in this year's olympics. Nearly 1/3 of Britain's team trained in Sheffield because of the University's outstanding sports complexes. More importantly, one particular alumni honored her school and city by taking gold.

Jessica Ennis won gold in the women's heptathlon. Her name is everywhere now!
To honor British gold medalists, their home mailboxes are painted gold instead of the required red. Jessica's has already become a mini tourist attraction with people lining up to take their picture next to the box. Obviously I didn't want to be left out...

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