
Friday 22 February 2013

So Busy!

I've been neglecting this blog and that's no good!

One reason for that was blogger getting on my nerves. I'm already spending a whopping $3.00 per month to maintain the pictures I've uploaded (apparently only so many are free). Then I find out that I can only create 20 pages on the right hand side. So, I had to consolidate several pages into one. For example, the Palace of Holyrood and Edinburgh Castle have been merged into one page called Edinburgh. All the content remains the same.

The second reason for neglect is due to my time spent on dissertation research. I put myself on a strict timetable to have my research done by mid May so I can get ready to go home and work my job prospects. I've spent the past two weeks in one of our university libraries. Its the stereotypical one where its concrete flooring and just endless rows of books on metal shelves. No windows either (at least on the underground levels where I tend to find myself). The end result thus far is 30+ sources but I am still a bit unsure on my focus. I need to get that cleared in the next week so I can press forward.

In terms of blog content, I have posts about the Leeds Armories and Rotherham coming up as well as several more "History In Sheffield" items. More visits are planned so stay tuned! Next post either later today or tomorrow!

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