
Book Tally

Ah yes, my obsession with books. While I can't read as fast as I buy them, they are all very interesting to me. I love having books around for referencing whenever I may need them. Therefore I don't like going to libraries and I strongly dislike any e-reader. I'll take my reading without batteries thank you very much!

The purpose of this page is to track my book tally throughout the year. While I don't want to set a goal, I'm guessing I'll have 75 books bought by the end of May 2013. Anyone care to offer their own guess? Comment below!

9/16/12: 8 books

9/20/12: 5 books and 2 antique prints
9/25/12: 6 books and 2 antique prints (inc a 1905 book on Westminster Abbey!)
9/29/12: 3 books. Alas, I have now been to all the second hand bookshops that I know of. My next source of material will come from the places I visit.
10/10/12: 4 books (bought over a few days, I forgot to update). Definitely interested in "The King's Glass" as it talks about stained glass used as a propaganda tool under the Tudors. King's College Chapel features heavily and I plan to read this before my second go around to Cambridge in two weeks.

10/13/12: Not much luck at the antique book sellers in Stratford Upon Avon, but I did get lucky at a marketplace! 4 books, a print, cd and a piece of Shakespeare's Holy Trinity Church (legally obtained mind you).

10/15/12: 2 books
10/20/12: 8 books. So excited because I picked up Agnes Strickland's magnificent series "The Queen's of England". She wrote them between 1840 and 1848 and initially totalled 12 volumes. I have the full series republished in 1875.
10/27/12: 5 books. Including a signed copy of "Bess of Hardwick".

10/28/12: 1 book. 1908.
11/22/12: 3 books.

12/2/12: 2 books.

12/8/12: 1 book.
1/23/13: 1 book.

2/2/13: 7 books. Eek! Raided some second hand bookshops in York.
2/25/13: 2 books.

3/22/13: 4 books and 2 CDs.


  1. Glad I passed my love for books down to you. A house without books has no soul.

  2. Love all your books Mike! I'm guessing you'll have over 100 books to take home at the end of May... The antique prints are great too. Keep the pictures coming!
